Choose Farm Direct, where every purchase is from local farmers and delivers quality and freshness to your doorstep for less.

Farm Direct is dedicated to nurturing the relationship between local farmers and the communities they feed.

Our mission is to champion local agriculture, offering a platform where farmers' products reach your table economically with ease.

It's a commitment to local prosperity that nourishes both the community and your home.

How It Works

Join Farm Direct

Your First Month's Membership is free. After that it's only $5/month. The savings you get are significantly higher than the membership fee.

Pre-Order Local Product

Farm Direct only works with Alberta Farms. Without having middle people, we are able to offer low prices.

Farmer Picks The Order

Our farmers only pick orders after they are received ensuring you get the freshest local products.
Farm Direct offers delivery and pickup to Calgary, Red Deer, and Surrounding Areas.

Support Local Farms

  • 100% of our products are grown by an Alberta Farmer
  • Locally Grown products, spends less time in transport, so they are more nutritious and flavourful
  • Farmers set their own prices, meaning they receive full value for their products

A Wallet - Friendly Way to Eat Better Locally

  • Easy access to Local Farmers and Growers
  • You are getting the freshest high quality product, picked to order
  • Ordering Farm Direct means lower price compared to traditional stores